Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving remedy I'll have on hand :)

Thanksgiving meal planning already has me thinking of the after Thanksgiving desert remedy......Nux Vomica !!!  Love this one,  it is the "to much eat, drink and be merry" remedy.    A very happy, joyous Thanksgiving day to and above.  Thank you  <3

Monday, November 7, 2011

Effected by the time change and/or shorter days ?

The time change (1 hr fall back) was this past weekend.  This reminds me to first, take a dose of arnica 30c for each day until I am over the change, and to stand outsidwide at 12 noon to help my body re-aline to the change as well.  I love to get to do this last part on a sunny day  :)
For the shorter days I also make sure I take 1000mg of Vit. D.    If I still feel I'm having problem's, I take the dose up to 2000mg and and 5-HTP to it as well.

Have a Good Day !   :)